Sunday, March 30, 2008

time to go to Iowa

whenever i really need clarity in my life, i go visit my adopted/ spiritual parents in the heart of middle america in the middle of absolute nowhere. i used to do this a lot more when i was still in michigan. unfortunately it is a lot more difficult to visit since i moved out west.

but now i am starting to really feel the need for clarity and direction. i'm starting to look at plane tickets and imagine myself getting lost in cornfields and lots of homemade cooking. its always a lot of JESUS, but in a good way. maybe at the end of april. maybe in the beginning of may.

all i know is that i need to get the HELL out of here and be able to clear my head. i wish i could take more than a few days. maybe if i am lucky i can get three or four days off tacked onto a weekend. pray for my boss to be generous!

where do you like to go when you need to really think/get away/ get some serious spiritual direction/ reflect/ feel loved?


Jim L said...

1) Ellsworth, KS, which is halfway between Denver, where I used to live, and Jeff City. I meet a friend there twice a year or so to play chess and talk philosophy, politics and whatever. Small replacement for the fact we used to play monthly.

2) Anywhere in the mountains, as long as a back pack is on my back (and preferably snow shoes are on my feet). Haven't had THAT fix in about four years now, and my out-of-shape nothing-to-do-in-mid-MO self is REALLY starting to feel it.

3) Long drives on two lane blacktops. Highway 50 across NV does Just Fine. So does Highway 36 or 38 across KS.

Where in IA? I was born in Des Moines, lived the first seven years in Indianola, and have family on both sides spread throughout the central and southwest portions.

Maria said...

Jim, I love the long drives on the highway, also anywhere in the mountains. My brother snowshoes but I never have. Is it difficult? I always picture those giant tennis racket type of shoes though that is probably silly... they probably have smaller kinds of snowshoes these days.

They live near Ottumwa but spent some time at a church in Cedar Rapids also. peace

Jim L said...

Modern snow shoes are lightweight and made of "space age materials" and tailored in different sizes for different sizes of people and different applications. I was honestly a die-hard permanent fan about 25-50 steps down the trail the first time I went. I LOVE to snow shoe (and winter camp - no people then...No bears, either :o). If you can, give it a try. You can rent snow shoes, or if your brother's into it he may have a spare pair for you to try. Grab a pair of cheap ski poles (OK) or adjustable hiking poles with snow bails (better) and head out for some of the best times you'll have in the mountains.

At least I think so. :o)