Wednesday, March 26, 2008

evangelism: part two

I don't have much time to write another post, but I don't feel like my faith is stupid/embarrassing, at least not recently. I think I have a different idea of what Christianity is/ a different experience. Even so, there is so much baggage that comes with the religion, its hard to share with others. I'm not sure I will ever be very good at sharing my faith. I want to get better at doing this in ways that aren't bullshit and/or offensive.

I should put a quarter into a jar every time I say that I "want to get better at sharing my faith". Maybe then after a couple of years I'd have enough to buy myself a book with an emerging perspective on the subject!


Jim L said...

Or maybe you'll recognize that "sharing the faith" can be who you are and not what you say.

Someday I hope I recognize that, too.

Maria said...

thats a good goal! thanks for commenting and peace to you, m

Anonymous said...

hi there,

if I may, I wanted to say that I have found it much easier to just *be* my faith since I let go of the church/religion/christianity baggage.
it's much easier to talk about it too.

Maria said...

hi Tina, thanks for sharing your thoughts. religious baggage sucks, especially because its not our baggage. its the history of the church/religion. Christianity, discrimination and other terrible things are still all tied up together, especially after 8 years of Bush's warped evangelical rule. i don't want people i care about to think i am in any way associated with any of that stuff.

but yet i still find faith in my life, i still find that i am drawn toward the faith. so it is really amazing to experience faith in a different way....where being a christian means helping others and caring about the here and now, not hooking on to some end times apocalyptic pipe dream and just waiting around until armageddon is realized/self imposed by reckless idiot choices

too bad we can't carry around a disclaimer card to hand out when someone asks about religion. in the meantime i trying to spend a lot of my time trying to BE and act out my faith instead of talking about. definitely living it out is better than saying anything at all and maybe that is enough

Jim L said...

Maybe we need to create a t-shirt:

"I believe in an empty tomb, not an empty mind." Hmmm...I have some design ideas about that already.