Wednesday, March 5, 2008

full circle

It's hard to believe, but today makes nine years since the day I boarded a Greyhound bus at age 17 and went 3,000 miles west to Portland, Or, not knowing a soul there, or even what I would do when I got there.

The older I get the more this act shocks me as having been incredibly life-threatening and dangerous. At the time though, even though I was afraid and worried in other ways, I simultaneously knew that there was nothing left for me in Michigan. I was suicidal and I knew that something had to change or else I had to just get out of there. So I did.

Looking back I really believe God protected me and I am able to see God very vividly in that part of my life. Sometimes when I have been inclined to not have any faith I am reminded of certain events in my life such as those that happened in Portland.

For example, ending up randomly in front of a youth drop-in center during the one day per week and one hour per week they did intake for new youth.

Or getting a job at the first place I walked into. Or having so many people around me encouraging me at the alternative school I went to while I worked to get my GED. In the beginning I would sleep at a shelter they had for teenagers, then go to the alternative school for a couple of hours and then walk to the other side of downtown to work the counter at a dry cleaners.

One of the reasons I find my job so rewarding is because our main office reminds me so much of the alternative school I went to in Portland. It serves a totally different demographic of course (we don't serve teenagers), but when the GED students come, and when students working on basic skills need a tutor, when anyone needs a tutor really, I get to match them with one.... and it is like coming around full circle, and it is a very beautiful, deeply moving thing for me to experience. It's the same thing sometimes with the homeless group I work with. Maybe I'll write about that another time.

I'm just so thankful.


Anonymous said...

This story warms my heart.

Maria said...

i'm glad you liked it

Anonymous said...

wow...isnt God cool? and life?

thanks for sharing this...I may hop a grayhound and move to portland after seminary myself :)


Maria said...

4 days in a greyhound = the post modern belly of a metal whale

the angels knew what they were doing, so follow their example and fly if you can

eternally thankful you are dealing with Grand Rapids so the rest of us don't have to :P
