Monday, June 2, 2008

Question/ Look at me, I am such a good christian!

so if I write:

"I would rather gnaw off my own hands and then try to eat nachos with the stubs, than I would let you buy me a drink"

do you think that would effectively communicate how much i dislike a person? Can you think of anything better/ more mean. Google seems to be failing me here people!

Note: I am not going for nice or polite here. I want to be more than unkind. I want to say something that will really hurt this person very very deeply. And what do you know, I am at a loss for what to say! It is not often I find myself hating someone and wanting to cause them pain! So please, I am open to suggestions.....except of course WWJD ;)

I am thinking more along the lines of What Would Chuck Norris do? If I had more muscle and thought I could actually get away with it, I might actually punch this guy in the face. Wow, I have never wanted to hit anyone before, what a revelation of how pissed I am!

See, I don't compartmentalize my spiritual life from the rest of my life and this blog post is proof :P


Anonymous said...

Automatically generate a complaint letter? Then laugh at it and don't send it?

Jim L said...

1) "What part of FOAD did you not understand?"

2) If it's an ex-romantic thing, I've always liked the line, "You said you couldn't live without me, so why aren't you dead yet?"

Maria said...

thanks guys, you made me laugh!!! Love the FOAD bit too. I have "simmered down" quite a bit but will refer to this page as needed :D