Sunday, January 13, 2008

mount rainier

..a lot has been happening in my life lately and i have been feeling pretty overwhelmed and unsure about what i am doing. To remedy this desperate feeling that has been accumulating within me, I took off on a little overnight adventure to Mt. Rainier.

I have always loved this mountain in particular. When I worked a very difficult job in eastern WA that i had to stick with for a year (in order to get Washington residency so i could finish my degree here) I used to look at it and remind myself that very soon I'd be on the other side! in that way the mountain was sort of a symbol of the future, and good things to come.

anyway i spent the whole day yesterday taking pictures in the park and finishing a book I have been trying to read for the last three months. i even learned how to put chains on the tires by myself-- a definite first-- and it felt good to finally get it right.

Overall it was a very spiritual and healing trip for me.

i feel renewed with love for others and am in constant awe of the gift of life

here is one picture just to lure you....
click here to see the blizzardy rest


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