Wednesday, July 9, 2008

my life options: from "evangelizing the youth" (whatever the hell that means) to the msw to moving and more!

So beloved folks, my faithful readers of all this non-thought to non-sense, as I am sure you are aware since you read my blog, my hours at my non-profit were cut July 1st from 40 to 25. I thought it may be helpful for me to consider my options in light of this recent development. So here are some options I have been brainstorming-- I am listing them here to help myself sort things out, and also of course for your reading enjoyment!

1. Keep the job, enjoy endless 4 day weekends (as I am only working Weds, Thurs and Friday). In my free time, before the rain returns, use my non stop 4 day weekends to hike, take pictures, volunteer, and think (the last of course being the most dangerous, second only to prayer, which i won't even mention, being that is the kind of mood i am in!) When the rain returns 1. look for another job or ?????????????????????

2. Aggressively seek other employment locally looking at positions I am well-qualified for... I have been looking at all kinds of jobs here and on the peninsula that I believe I could likely land an interview for: education jobs, jobs in volunteer recruitment, some non MSW case manager jobs (very competitive), other literacy organizations etc.

3. Aggressively seek other employment anywhere in the US, specially looking at positions in my field. I have a higher chance of being hired this way because my degree would be more competitive. At the same time I love where I live currently and don't want to leave if I can help it.

4. Try to get an entry level job in another field arguing my reasons in creative cover letters that will likely be thrown away. It was this train of thought that led me toward looking into various ministry positions that don't require the Divinity/Theology degree but just want you to provide a damn good reason why you want the job. One of these jobs I was looking at listed a main job duty of "evangelizing the youth community". I don't know what the hell that means, but it doesn't sound too good to me. I also don't know what they mean when they say "a proven track record demonstrating increasing faith in Jesus Christ". Hmmm :)

5. Graduate school. Oh, but what oh what should I study? Social work, human resources, theology, comparative religion, interdisciplinary humanities, non profit management, public administration or English literature? Shit maybe I should go back to school and take classes to become an auto mechanic, because at least if i got THAT credential I could rest peacefully knowing I'd be able to get a good job.

6. Get another job to supplement my lost income while keeping my current job.

My cats walk through the house meowing, meowing, sounding as lost as I feel right now.

Maybe I should move to Iowa and live close to my adopted parents while becoming a farm hand. I bet my cats could live in a random barn. I don't know what to do! I think I could at least get interviews for better positions than my current one, but even the closest opening are 45- hour away. Should I apply anyway? Should I go back to Michigan? Should I move to Alaska? Should I apply to "evangelize the youth"? Maybe I should start keeping a daily diary documenting my ever growing "relationship with Christ" just in case I ever need to fax it in as a supplement to my resume and cover letter :P

Sept 2007- present Larger in Christ (than before),
2002-2007 Sabbatical in Christ (distance education certification)



Jim L said...

When you close your eyes and see yourself being happy, what do you see and where is it? Pursue that.

IMHO, DON'T throw away a location that you like except for a damned good reason (mine was love, YMMV). I love my life, but not being in Colorado any more is an ongoing downer.

If you decide to commute, obviously factor in gas/mass transit costs as well as the opportunity cost of your lost time, and then realize you will hate that commute time no matter what you do.

Realize in your school options that credit is much tighter right now, and that includes for getting school loans, too. Oh, and you forgot "keep current P-T job and go to school P-T" as an option.

Praise God you are now in cheaper living circumstances so that all of this can be contemplated with a little less outfreaking.

But really, when you close your eyes and see yourself being happy, what do you see and where is it? Pursue that.

Maria said...

thanks. I appreciate your wisdom and advice! I especially am thankful that I just moved... otherwise I would be in big trouble about now. Hope you have a great weekend :)