Sunday, August 10, 2008

very scary experience

I just had a very scary encounter with a stranger in the Albertson's parking lot near my house. I pulled into a parking spot, got out of my car, and heard a voice come from a nearby silverish/white colored pick up truck, "Way to go, bitch!" Now. Most of you know I am not the kind of person to get into a conversation with someone like this. I generally just ignore situations I think are dangerous, but in this case I was genuinely perplexed about what this guy's problem was, plus I couldn't believe he was talking to me, so I stopped in my tracks, looked at him in the window and said "excuse me?" And he said, "nice job pulling into the parking spot". I was confused, looked at my car, saw it was parked between the lines and said, "my car is in the lines, I don't understand what the problem is". He said, "my problem is stupid bitches like you that drive too fast". I should have walked away at this point, but I something instinctive inside of myself wanted to stand up for myself and I unthinkingly about the danger said, "well, I wish you had better things to do." He said, "okay ugly bitch" at which point (this is so stupid looking back) I gave him the finger and then walked into the store. I should not have done this, I just felt so accosted by him, I wanted to hurt him back. In retrospect I shouldn't have done it because it pissed him off and made the situation more dangerous.

Instead of shopping, I only picked up one item, because I was starting to get a really bad feeling and wanted to get out of there before he damaged my car. I was also nervous about whether or not he had followed me into the store. As I walked out of the door to the store, I turned around and saw he was about 100 feet behind me. I got about 20 feet into the parking lot, trying not to freak out, turned around and he was about 40 feet behind me at which point I said "you better not fuck with me". This clearly pissed him off more and he started jogging at me like he was going to attack. At this point I screamed for help. A guy walking into the store stopped along with a female Albertson's employee and turned to look. This made the scary guy stop in his tracks. I told the clerk I felt threatened and asked if she would walk me back to my car. The guy kept glaring at me the whole time. Maybe I should've called the cops, but what would I have said? It was really scary. It shook me up. This is the first time I have ever had a confrontation like this and I have to admit I locked my door when I got home. I hope I never ever see this person again.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! What an incredibly scary incident!! I've never had anything like that happen before. I would have also stupidly made some sort of verbal come-back, it's hard not to. But that certainly doesn't give him the right to call anyone a bitch or to make like he's going to physically hurt you. I'm so glad you're ok!!

Jim L said...

I am glad you're OK, too. But as someone old enough to be a parental unit, let me just say that NEXT TIME, DO NOT ENGAGE! The Bible may call them "the Enemy", modern people may call them "psychopaths". Either way, they exist.

Be careful. Stay safe.

Maria said...

Thanks guys. I've calmed down a bit. I feel like such an idiot for responding to him. It was just such a basic instinct. I feel bad for not walking away, especially because of my faith. It's funny how in that moment I didn't think of my faith at all, but instead just knee-jerk reacted and as a result, put myself at risk. I admit I am still afraid about running into him again. My brother suggested maybe getting some mace. It's just so weird that it happened. I really have never experienced anything like it before and feel terrible for responding to him and making it worse. Thanks for your concern and kind words of wisdom. -m