Sunday, February 3, 2008


There is not really an easy way to say this. My partner and I have separated. It's something I knew was coming for at least a month, but I didn't want to think about it. I'm still sort of in denial in a lot of ways. I don't plan to write much more about it here, other than this post, but I didn't feel like I could write anything else on this blog until I said it and sort of forced myself to deal with the reality of it.

Anyway I would appreciate your prayers.

Everything else in my life is going extremely well and I feel very fulfilled. I think there is a kind of mercy in that because it makes things easier. Not easy, but just a little easier. And as always my faith is helping me when I allow it to help me, if that makes sense.

Here's a song that played as soon as I dropped Evan off in Portland on Friday night, where he will be living. It brought me some comfort. I want to remember that it brought me a lot of comfort so I am posting it here. After I dropped him off I drove to Warner just for the hell of it. It was like coming back around full circle or something. But you know, all the doors were locked, the doors to the chapel, the doors to the church auditorium where we were required to go to chapel, everything was locked. At first this depressed me and then I realized, hey,---I never could connect with God at that place anyway, so why should I think I would be able to now?! It was actually a relief in a way that is hard for me to explain. Nine years later, that place STILL doesnt work for me!

God is merciful.

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