Sunday, December 30, 2007

Church + Dayquil

Today I barely made it into church high on Dayquil feeling pretty good, trying hard not to shake anyones hand. I actually wish I had been feeling better, because the hymns were Church of God, Anderson and ones I hadn't heard since I was a teenager. It was great. I felt spaced out and caught up in a cloud of sentimentality and/or medicine!

The message was about unresolved guilt and other baggage people carry around like garbage. The point was to let the "garbage" go before the New Year so we can all be free to focus on the future. God wants us to be happy and free! Great!

I think it's a good idea.

I realized that I don't have a lot of guilt. I do feel victimized by various things that have happened and like maybe I should "talk to God" about some of that, but I don't really feel a lot of guilt. Hmm, maybe I should!

Sometimes I am as sensitive as a brick in the head!

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