Wednesday, November 28, 2007

offensiveness and the gospel

Jeremy has been arguing that the gospel itself is not offensive, we are. In his second post on this subject, The Unoffensive Gospel of Jesus, he further expands on what he believes the gospel is and is not, along with introducing why the gospel itself shouldn't offend anyone:

"The gospel is not simply that Humans sin or are sinners and need a savior. The gospel is not simply social liberation. The gospel is not simply that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of Humans. The gospel is not simply the destruction of injustice. The gospel is not simply about being saved from hell and salvation unto relationship with God or heaven. All of these things reflect aspects of the good news of Jesus, but neither of them (by themselves) are the fullness of the good news of Jesus. Rather, the fullness of the good news that Jesus articulated throughout His ministry and life is the Kingdom of Heaven, an idea that should not be offensive, and communicated properly is unoffensive."

A lot of times reading novus lumen is like attending seminary for free and without the homework! Isn't the internet great?!


Anonymous said...

"A lot of times reading novus lumen is like attending seminary for free and without the homework! Isn't the internet great?!"

goodness gracious, what a complement! Thanks for the link and for your participation at n•l. I love your perspective (there and here) and look forward to your input on this little series :)

thanks again and enjoy your day!

Maria said...

no, thank you! it's a great series!