Friday, September 14, 2007

Destroying all the sunny days

I appreciate the sunny days. A lot. They are so rare here it seems as though there are never enough of them. When I was a student at Evergreen, I really looked forward to the first few weeks of school when sunlight would still be a common sight.... actually I still look forward to it. Winter inevitably always arrives too early, and then for the next 7, 8, or 9 months depending on the year, it rains.

It rains and keeps raining. I have developed a love hate relationship with the rain. On the one hand, there is a certain kind of local pride that comes with being in the rain, accepting the rain as it drip drops onto your face and through your clothes day after merciless day. There is a certain sense of satisfaction a person feels after surviving that. Maybe it is more a kind of fatalism. People who insist on using umbrellas just haven't gotten it yet: umbrellas aren't going to help, no matter what it is going to keep raining and you are going to get cold, wet, and miserable. During the winter I turn into somewhat of a Buddhist, quietly chanting about suffering, unbeing and becoming one with the water. ;)

But then spring comes-- at first just a cruel taste because surely the rain will return and keep returning, sometimes through June or longer. But spring does come, the days get warmer, the sun returns and it is glorious. On these rare days we students would sprawl out onto the grass, sunbathe, play music, pound on drums, dance, glow in the sun. It is beautiful to experience.

Only, only, only, the fundamentalist Christians from an unidentified church would show up to protest. Why don't they care about Evergreen during the winter, when walking across campus means accumulating two gallons of water in your hair? Why must they come on the only sunny days, and scream at people and ruin Christianity for people, and cause so much pain for people? Why won't they admit what churches they attend so I can go protest their existence the next Sunday morning that it is SUNNY outside?

Lately I have noticed that they have been camping out at the planned parenthood downtown. This pisses me off to no end. I know it isn't good to feel so angry, but that's what I feel when I see these people-- pure rage! They hurt their own cause, blindside struggling already hurting people and they make anyone that believes in God look insane.

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